August 26, 2024

Nostril Reduction: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Interested in a nostril reduction surgery? Find information on this procedure here.

Nostril reduction surgery, or alarplasty, is a way to make nostrils smaller. Doctors cut away tissue at the base of the nose to change its shape. This takes about one hour and helps people feel better about how they look.

In Australia, the price can be anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000; in the U.S., it averages around $6,324. Getting ready for this surgery means talking to a good surgeon and learning what will happen during and after the operation.

You should know there might be some risks like infection or needing more surgery later on.

After getting nostril reduction, you will need up to two weeks off work and it can take up to a year to see the final result. When you have this surgery done, doctors use anaesthetic so you don't feel pain.

They also give you careful directions for how to look after yourself when you go home.

This type of nose job gives long-lasting results but wait a full year before thinking about having any more changes done. Let's explore what makes your nose unique and how making it different could help you breathe easy with new confidence!

Nostril Reduction (alar base reduction or alarplasty)at a glance

Target Area: The target area for a Nostril Reduction can include; nostrils (alar base), nasal base width, nostril flares and/or alar-facial grooves
Time Off Work: 1 to 2 weeks after surgery, those with less demanding jobs can go back to work quicker.
Total Recovery: 4 to 6 weeks, this timeline is dependent on your as a patient and your situation. Timelines are based on: extent of the surgery being performed, your healing rate and your ability to comply with post-operative care. Swelling subsides within 2 to 3 weeks, with the final result being apparent within 6 to 12 months.
Scar Positioning: Depending on your situation the scar is on the alar-facial junction, inside the nostril rim and/or along the natural creases of the nose.

Key Takeaways

  • Nostril reduction surgery, also known as alarplasty, makes nostrils smaller to balance the face.
  • Choosing a skilled surgeon is important. Costs vary and can be from $7,500 to $25,000 in Australia.
  • Recovery takes time; expect swelling for weeks but full results may take up to a year.
  • Risks include infection and not liking the new look. Discuss these with your doctor.
  • Follow all after-care instructions for the best healing and avoid complications.

What is Nostril Reduction Surgery?

Nostril reduction surgery, a specialised form of rhinoplasty, refines the nostrils for facial harmony and aesthetic balance. It tailors nostril size and shape to complement your unique features, enhancing both appearance and confidence.

Definition and purpose

Nostril reduction surgery, or alar base reduction, makes the nostrils smaller. This nose reshaping surgery aims to give the nose a more balanced look by improving symmetry and shape.

People choose this type of cosmetic nose surgery for many reasons. Some want their face to be more equal on both sides. Others might find that their wide flaring nostrils stand out too much.

The main goal of this procedure is to make the nose look better as a whole. Doctors take off a tiny bit of tissue from where the nostrils meet the cheeks. This change can have a big effect on how your nose looks without changing who you are or how you breathe.

Rhinoplasty often includes this step, but you can get it done on its own too. With skilled hands, doctors can create natural-looking results that boost confidence and happiness with your nasal appearance.

Types of nostril reduction procedures

  • Alar Wedge Resection: This procedure involves removing a small tissue wedge from where your nostrils meet your cheeks.
  • Alar Base Reduction: It narrows wide nostrils by cutting out small parts on the sides of the nose base. This can make the nose look narrower.
  • Weir Excisions: These excisions reduce flaring and adjust nostril width by making careful cuts in the alar base region.
  • Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: Also known as a "nose job," it changes your nose shape for a better look. It often includes reducing nostril size.
  • Functional Rhinoplasty: The focus here is on improving breathing by changing the inside structure of the nose. Nostril size can also be adjusted during this surgery.

Benefits of nostril surgery

Nostril surgery, such as alarplasty, brings many good changes. It makes your nose look better and more balanced. This kind of nasal reshaping can make you feel happier with how you look.

When your nostrils match well and are the right size for your face, it can boost your self-esteem.

Getting a nostril reduction might also help with breathing if that’s an issue for you. The surgery aims to make not just the outside but the inside of your nose work better. If you're worried about nostril flare or want a proportionate look for your nose, this procedure may be what you need.

Afterwards, patients often find their noses fit their faces nicely and feel great about themselves.

Preparing for Nostril Reduction Surgery

Embarking on your journey towards a refined nasal contour begins with choosing an expert surgeon who aligns with your aesthetic goals and ensures you have a comprehensive grasp of the procedure's nuances.

It is crucial to engage in an open dialogue about expectations, openly address potential risks, and meticulously plan for the days leading up to your nostril reduction surgery.

Finding a qualified surgeon

Choosing the right doctor for nostril reshaping surgery is super important. Look for a plastic surgeon who has done many nose surgeries. Make sure they are allowed to work as surgeons in Australia.

A GP can help you find a skilled surgeon for rhinoplasty. Ask about their training and if they're certified to change how noses look.

Meeting with a surgeon face-to-face is the best way to see if tip rhinoplasty works for you. You can talk about what you want and learn more from them. This helps make sure that your nose job goes well.

Understanding the procedure

Getting ready for nostril reduction means learning about the steps of the surgery. Your doctor will look at your nose and how you breathe to make sure they know what changes to make.

They will plan how to reduce the size or change the shape of your nostrils so that your face looks balanced and nice. The aim is also to fix any airway blocks so you can breathe better.

During this time, share what you hope to get from the surgery with your surgeon. They will talk to you about what can happen after surgery and any risks involved. You need to have a clear idea of these things before deciding on the operation.

Next, we'll go into details about getting ready for nostril reduction surgery, like picking a good surgeon and discussing your hopes and concerns with them.

Discussing expectations and potential risks

You need to know what might happen during and after nostril reduction surgery. Talk with your doctor about how you want your nose to look and feel when the surgery is done. Make sure these goals are possible.

Your doctor will tell you about the things that could go wrong, like infection or not liking the way it looks. Both you and your surgeon must agree on what changes will be made.

Understanding the risks helps you get ready for surgery safely. You should think carefully before making any decisions. Ask lots of questions so there are no surprises later on. After this talk, you'll need to follow certain steps before going into surgery.

What to Expect During and After Surgery

Prepare to navigate the transformation journey with insight into the surgical process and embrace attentive guidance for a smooth recovery—continue reading for an in-depth look at your nostril reshaping experience.

Anaesthesia and incision placement

Doctors use anaesthesia in nostril reduction surgery so you won't feel any pain. This means you’ll be comfortable and still while the surgeon works. They might give you a local anaesthetic, which numbs only your nose, or sometimes they may use other types to make sure you are completely asleep during the operation.

The surgeon makes careful cuts in your skin to change the size of your nostrils. The place where they cut is important because it should be hidden well after healing. However, putting anaesthetic into your nose can make it look different for a short time.

This change can hide some of the small adjustments that the doctor makes.

Before surgery, doctors check patients carefully to ensure their safety under anaesthesia and reduce risks during recovery. It's key to follow all pre-surgery advice from your healthcare team so you're ready for both the procedure and healing afterwards.

Surgery duration and recovery

Nostril reduction surgery usually takes one to two hours. You will be under anaesthesia so you won't feel pain during the operation. After the surgery, you might feel sore and see some swelling and bruising around your nose.

This is normal and part of healing.

In the first two weeks, most of the swelling and bruising should go down. Your nose will still be healing inside for about 1-2 months. It's important to follow your surgeon's advice on how to care for your nose after the operation.

It takes time to see the final shape of your nose after surgery. Usually, it can take up to 12 months for all changes to show fully. Be patient as your body recovers and adjusts to these changes over time.

Post-operative instructions

After your nostril reduction surgery, you'll need to follow some important steps to help with the healing process. These instructions help you heal and reduce the chance of problems.

  • Keep your head raised higher than your chest while sleeping for up to six weeks. This helps lower swelling.
  • Take out packing from inside your nose and change any nasal drip pads within two days after surgery. This keeps your nose clean.
  • Go back to the doctor about a week after surgery to get the splint taken off your nose. This is a normal part of recovery.
  • Use cold packs on your cheeks to help with swelling and pain. Don't use ice directly on your skin because it can cause damage.
  • Be ready for some bruising and swelling around your nose after the operation. It's normal and will go away.
  • See your surgeon for check-ups as they ask you to. They need to make sure you're healing right.
  • Always follow what your surgeon tells you before and after surgery for the best healing.

Long-Term Results and Expectations of Nostril Reduction Surgery

Nostril reduction surgery changes your nose for a long time. You can look forward to a new nose shape that lasts many years. It usually makes people feel better about their looks and boosts confidence.

Most of the time, once you heal, the way your nostrils look will not change much as you get older.

You need to wait several months to see the final shape after surgery. Your nose might keep changing a bit during this time. If things don't look right or if there are any problems, you might need another surgery to fix it.

But most people do not have big issues and are happy with how they look at the end. Remember, like all surgeries, there are some risks; talking to a good surgeon helps you understand these risks before deciding on the surgery.

Cost, Recovery, and Results

Delve into the financial aspects of nostril reduction surgery and discover what your investment in time and care will mean for healing and enjoying your new look.

Explore the journey from initial expenses to the final reveal of results, along with guidance on managing recovery for an optimal outcome.

Average cost of nostril reduction surgery

Understanding the financial aspect of nostril reduction surgery is crucial for patients planning to undergo this procedure. Costs can vary widely depending on the surgeon's expertise, geographic location, and the complexity of the surgery. Below is a breakdown of the average costs patients might expect in different regions, reflecting fees and the overall market trends for this cosmetic procedure.

Location Average Cost Notes
Australia (General) $7,500 - $25,000 Varies widely based on surgeon and complexity
Sydney, Australia $12,000 - $20,000 Reflects market rate for the city
Perth, Australia $7,500 - $9,500 Excludes GST, surgeon's fee only
Gold Coast, Australia $10,000 - $20,000 Average range for the area
Toronto, Canada $9,000 - $14,000 Facial plastic surgery expert fee
USA (Average) $6,324 According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

These figures represent a general guide for patients. Individuals should consult with surgeons for personalised quotes, taking into account the unique aspects of their procedures.

Recovery timeline and follow-up appointments

Nostril reduction surgery helps shape your nose. It requires time to heal and see the final look.

  • Plan for up to 2 weeks off work after your surgery. This is when most swelling and bruising start to go down.
  • Attend all postoperative checkups. Your surgeon needs to see how you are healing.
  • The full emergence of nostril reduction results can take up to a year. Early on, you might not see the changes you expect.
  • Follow your surgeon's advice closely during recovery. This helps avoid problems and get the best results.
  • Prepare for individual variation in recovery time. Everyone heals at their own pace, so what happens for one person may be different for another.
  • Wait at least a year before considering any follow-up surgical procedures. Your nose needs time to fully heal first.
  • Be ready for side effects like swelling or discomfort, especially in the first few days. Ice packs and rest can help with these.
  • Stick to the healing timeline your doctor gives you, even if you feel better sooner. Healing on the inside takes longer than it might seem on the outside.

Realistic outcomes and potential complications

Before you get nostril reduction surgery, it's good to talk about what you hope to look like afterwards. Your surgeon will help set goals that can be reached. They will also tell you about any limits and risks.

Risks include getting an infection, bleeding, or bruises where the cuts were made.

It's best to know all this before the surgery so there are no surprises while you heal. Make sure to chat with your doctor about what could go wrong and how likely it is. This way, you're ready for whatever comes after the operation.

?Next up, let's have a look at celebrities who decided on nostril reduction surgery and their experiences. (not sure if this is relevant / if this should be included.

Celebrities who have had nostril reduction surgery

Many people know that stars often change their looks. Some famous folks might get nostril reduction to shape their nose a bit more. For example, Kate Moss and Tom Cruise have heard talk around them about having this surgery.

Scarlett Johansson and Beyoncé are also on the list of celebrities with rumours of nose jobs.

The cost and healing time for these surgeries can vary, even for stars. Getting a new nose shape is common in Hollywood but not all celebs say it's true for them. There is chatter, and sometimes they say "nope" to those nose job stories.

Now let's look at how much you might pay if you're thinking about getting your nostrils reduced.


Nostril reduction surgery can change how your nose looks and feels. Prepare well by talking to a skilled surgeon and learning about the process. Expect some swelling and redness right after but know it won't last long.

Your new nose shape will settle in over time, giving you the look you hope for. Remember, good results come from understanding what's involved and following care advice post-surgery.