July 11, 2022

What is a Breast Augmentation?

In this article, we go through commonly asked questions regarding breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves placing implants under the breast muscle (Pectoralis major) on the chest to improve the shape, size or symmetry of the breasts. The type, shape, size and texture of the implants will influence the final size and feeling of the breasts and will depend on factors like your individual body type, skin thickness, and skin elasticity.

Breast augmentation procedures are among the most common cosmetic surgical procedures undertaken around the world, with more than 1.2 million procedures being carried out every year. In Australia, more than 20,000 people undergo breast augmentation procedures every year.

Why is it done?

Breast augmentation is most commonly performed when women wish to improve the visual attractiveness of their chest by increasing the size of their breasts or improving the shape and symmetry of their breasts. Increasing the size of your breasts, or correcting asymmetries may help improve self-confidence and your self-image.

Breast augmentation is also used to restore breast volume and shape after weight loss, pregnancy, or mastectomy, and can assist with improving breast shape, volume and symmetry.

What’s involved in the procedure?

Breast augmentation is a procedure carried out in day surgery or a hospital. It rarely requires an extended hospital stay. It is generally performed under a general anaesthetic, which will put you to sleep for the duration of the procedure.

During the procedure, the surgeon will make a cut alongside the breast, before placing the implants inside the implant pocket in the chest, between the breast tissue and muscle, or behind the chest muscle under the breast. There are several ways of performing the procedure and they each have different effects on your recovery time. You should consult with your surgeon regarding the best choice for your individual body and your desired results.

What should you consider?

Your Surgeon

When considering breast augmentation is it important to choose a surgeon that you feel comfortable with, and who will be open and honest about the expected risks and benefits of the procedure. The procedure should be conducted by a surgeon who is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. You can check this information with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Having a qualified surgeon who takes the time to understand your individual circumstances and needs will ensure that you get the best result from your breast augmentation.

Implant Selection

Implants vary in their composition, volume, shape and projection. Selecting the best implant for you will depend on a number of factors. Your surgeon will help guide you through this process.

In Australia, the two main types of breast implant used are:

  • Silicone implants –  are the most commonly used implants used in Australia. A silicone shell envelopes filled with elastic silicone gel that have a more natural consistency and feel. In slimmer patients, silicone implants show less noticeable rippling.
  •  Saline implants – silicone shell envelopes filled with varying amounts of sterile salt water, also known as normal saline. Silicone implants may be adjusted for size and can aid in the correction of breast asymmetry. They can be inserted via smaller incisions, but this can cause rippling in some slimmer patients.

The volume of the implant you choose will depend on your desired breast size, and your chest wall and breast measurements. Larger body frames will generally require a larger volume implant to increase breast size. Implants that are too large can cause increased stretching of the skin and breast and may lead to breast dropping . Your surgeon will examine you and together you can decide on the best size implant for you.

Implants can come round or anatomically shaped to enhance the natural shape of the breasts. Round implants are the more traditional design, and are shaped as a symmetrical disc. These implants can provide a higher breast profile, increasing the projection of the breasts. Anatomically shaped implants can provide a more natural shape than round implants. They are designed to enhance the lower half of the breast, without over enlarging the upper part of the breast. The decision to choose round or anatomical implants will be influenced by your current breast size and shape, your desired breast shape and size, and the advice and experience of the surgeon.

Costs associated with the procedure

In most cases, breast augmentation is not covered by Medicare, and it is not often covered by private health insurance either. Before deciding to proceed with breast augmentation surgery, consult with your surgeon regarding the costs of the surgery, and what might be covered, if available, by your private health insurer.

What are the risks?

Like all surgical procedures, there are risks involved with breast augmentation. You should discuss the specific risks in detail with your surgeon.

Some of the general risks include:

●  Bleeding and swelling of the chest

●  Infection around the surgical site

●  Altered sensation of the breast or nipple

●  Injury to the surrounding tissue

Questions to ask your surgeon

●  Are you a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons?

●  What experience do you have with breast augmentation procedures?

●  Where do you perform these procedures?

●  Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation?

●  What type, size and shape of breast implants do you recommend for me?

●  Do you have before and after photos of breast augmentations that you have performed?

●  What are the risks of breast augmentation for me?

●  Does having a breast augmentation procedure affect my ability to breastfeed?

●  What do I need to do to prepare for the surgery?

●  How long will I be in the hospital after the surgery?

●  What can I expect in terms of pain, swelling, and bruising after the surgery?

●  How long after the surgery will I be able to return to my normal level of activity?

●  How long will the implants last?

●  What can I do if I am not fully satisfied with the results?

Is a breast augmentation right for me?

Undergoing surgery is a major decision. It’s natural to have questions and queries if you’re thinking about undergoing a cosmetic procedure, such as breast augmentation. Breast augmentation in Sydney is recommended for women who want larger breasts, women who have experienced shrinkage after pregnancy or breastfeeding, women with asymmetrical breasts and those keen to restore youthfulness. It is essential to make sure that you have realistic expectations about what surgery can achieve and to ensure that you’re having treatment for the right reasons. Ask your surgeon questions, listen to advice and recommendations and take the time to think about your decision. 

How can I find out more about breast augmentation in Sydney?

If you’re keen to find out more, or you have questions about breast augmentation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr Mo and the team today. We can provide information and set up a consultation to chat more.